Agility Classes

WoofBeach Sands – Agility Classes – 238 Randall Road – Call 847-243-6970

In a natural setting, dogs are instinctive hunters that pursue various types of prey. While chasing after food, dogs would frequently follow foxes or rabbits, for instance, through forests and have to navigate lots of obstacles like fallen branches. Their instincts entail leaping over those obstacles, climbing inclines or running through dense vegetation. Agility training courses are made to replicate these kinds of scenarios and challenge your dog’s abilities.

Agility classes at WoofBeach Sands are an ideal way for your pup to expend her extra energy. Navigating an agility course that features obstacles presents a fun challenge for your dog’s body and mind. Involving your pup in agility classes can help strengthen muscles, boost endurance and improve coordination.

In your role as handler, you’ll run alongside your furry pal as she soars over jumps and runs through other obstacles. You’ll both enjoy this class with enhancing the bond you share!

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